Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Flood

So, Ben and I are right in the midst of December chaos. Kids going crazy because of the below zero classroom temperatures, mid-term reports for semester 1 term 2, special work packages for the massive amounts of students who have so much to catch up on and every excuse in the book why they are behind, including telling us they are smart and that is why they have not finished their work.....huh?!?! Nothing makes sense. So we went out to dinner tonight to have some pizza, pick up a few things, before traveling back to our humble abode.....only to walk into the slooshing of an an inch of water on our cream colored floor. Yes, we opened our own pool in TEDA, no public visitors yet, just private usage so far. Yuck, it was quite a task to clean it all up, and the two floors below us have visited a number of times tonight telling us there is still water coming down on them even though we have finally cleared it all up. Our landlord paid us a quick visit and chuckled as he came in. He smiled as we told him how we thought the pipes might have burst and let the waters open on his lovely home, continuing to grin he only let us know that the same thing happened to him and its an honest mistake, it will be fixed soon, not to worry. Quite a lovely man, he has a beautiful smile, full of brown rotten teeth, and eyes that cheer along with his grin. He truly has been lovely to have as a landlord. It seems so far in our married life we have had quite the blessing with landlords. Though our Victoria landlords are far away and a great memory from last year, our new landlord hasn't left us with a sour taste in our hearts over renting space. As for the flood, ah, it'll get fixed, until then we are showering from metal mixing bowls scattered around our shower floor, quite the adventure:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life is but one big adventure. How many more will cross your paths. "Builds character" Christina's Great-Nana would say.