Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Still Alive

Yup, as far as I can tell, we are still alive and breathing. Although the air here is STIFLING! I sweat through half my classes which are on the third flour with no air conditioning. Its ridiculous. We are told that in 3-4 weeks the weather should turn cooler and less muggy. Everything is sticky though, clothes, hands, face, YUCK! Today is day two. I think we are all still feeling a little overwhelmed with all that is going on, all that has to be done, and working with students whose language levels are extremely low. But we press on. Tomorrow will be friday, and we will finally be able to breathe a little perhaps. The weekend will be spent with more prep and perhaps a break on the bikes, but otherwise, we haven't had too many adventures lately, other than the adventures in teaching....which is definitely ENOUGH for now:)

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