Phew, its been a while. Sorry all for the slight departure from posting. With moving, school, and everything else it seems the days have been quite full. Our VPN has also had troubles lately and we just got it fixed today. SO, here I am, sitting at school marking papers, wondering WHAT on earth I am doing pretending to teach and freezing my little bum off. It is cold here now, too cold. We jumped from summer to winter. One of our co-workers questioned "what happened to fall?" Thats what I wonder too, especially since fall is one of my FAVORITE seasons. The leaves, the air, the colors, the crisp shift in weather yet at the same time, the gentle easing into colder months. Here is it just cold. And to top it off, heating doesn't get turned on by the government until mid-November. So until then we only have little electric heaters and whatever warm clothes we can layer up in. I was chuckling today on our way to work (we took a taxi since yesterday it was pouring rain so we left our bikes at school, but a taxi to school is only a dollar fifty, though sometimes it is still difficult to even get a taxi since people just decide not to work sometimes in the rain and don't drive:) while I watched cars swerve all over the road. Really, lanes don't matter, people just drive wherever. Speed limits are also non-existent, people drive like turtles or race-car drivers, whatever suits their fancy. Another strange thing is that no matter what direction cars are driving, you can always guarantee that there will be at least one car driving the wrong direction. But here, its still right, just another way to get someplace. Orange stop lights, just like Thailand, mean speed up, and red means to start thinking, only thinking, about stopping. Traffic jams happen for no apparent reason, and they are a hoot! People honking and moving forwards mere inches into nowhere. Just before we got to China, there was actually a 9 day traffic jam outside of Beijing. People were literally sleeping in their cars and living on the freeway. What was the reason? People still aren't sure, but hey, it lasted 9 days so it must have been something....right? Anyways, thats just some of the chaos that ensues on a road in TEDA. Onto the rest of the day now, hoping all of you are well!