Wednesday, March 2, 2011


It's already March!! We've almost been back in China for a month since our holiday and we've had a snow fall, a few -10 Celsius days, broken badminton strings, a new found love of squash (the game not vegetable), some very tasty meals at our favorite local restaurants, and smoothies for breakfast every morning.

The new semester has settled quite nicely and we're plugging right along. Students know the drill a lot better this semester and after a few weeks their English is coming back to them. Who knew 5 weeks away and you could forget what the English language was, is and how to use it.

We've made a purpose to see more of China this semester and so we look forward to exploring more of Beijing, Tianjin and some of the areas closer to home. Hopefully we remember to bring along the camera and snap a few shots while we're at it.

Today on the way to school we saw a most interesting sight. After the recent snowfall there are patches of grey snow strewn helter-skelter throughout the city. Today we saw a team of city workers sweeping the snow into piles and removing it so that another team could come in and 'weed-eat' the brown-winter beaten grass. The irony of it all being that the grass hasn't grown much at all in that it has been below zero degrees since mid November, and yet somehow, somewhere, someone decided that it was time to scalp the grass with a 'weed-eater' no less. I guess the brown dried out soil is more aesthetically pleasing than brown-winter beaten grass.

China never ceases to amaze.

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